iCareAll PDF Converter 1.0

iCareAll PDF Converter is an easy-to-use PDF converting program that can help you convert PDF to Word, PPT, Excel, text documents, HTML, images and other files. Also allows to change the files of various formats back to PDF with ease and high efficiency. Hence, if you or your friends around really need such software, give iCareAll PDF Converter a try. To meet the needs of different users all over the world, iCareAll PDF Converter is designed and developed with lots of useful features.
Key features

Convert files with fast speed and simple three clicks.
Change PDF to any file format and any to PDF with high quality.
Process more than 1000 files with its batch mode at a time.
Merge or cut PDF files with ease.
Support all Word, PDF, PPT, Excel, Image, Text, HTML and more file formats.
Support Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows7, Windows 8, Windows 10 and more Windows OS.

In conclusion, iCareAll PDF Converter is really a worthwhile program for you to do PDF conversion smoothly.
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Convert to epub

add a PDFToEPUB option.. to convert PDF to epub format
mememe, 06.11.2016, 08:47
0 votes Vote

that this software converts other regional docs

Hi, ofcourse, this converts english pdf to word , but when converting other languages, it opens a nil word document, though it says it has converted.
jraju, 06.11.2016, 11:21
0 votes Vote

Add conversion HTML to PDF.

Convert HTML to PDF. Makes transferring webpages to friends much simpler.
McGregor, 06.11.2016, 16:39